What's Sapphire?

What's Sapphire?

WHAT IS A SAPPHIRE? A sapphire is a precious gemstone from the corundum mineral. They are commonly known for their striking blue color, though they do appear in a number of other color varieties....
Different cuts of moissanite

Different cuts of moissanite

Like diamonds, each shape has its own characteristics and standard, which is also a major factor affecting the overall appearance. With unparalleled refractive index and diamond fire, round moissan...
8 reasons for why moissanite is a good substitute of diamond

8 reasons for why moissanite is a good substitute of diamond

1. Similar quality, but only one tenth in price The high hardness, dispersion, and refractive index of moissanite give it a dazzling color and high-end texture like diamonds when made into jewelr...
What is moissanite?

What is moissanite?

Meteorite from outer space; diamond-like gem Moissanite (a type of silicon carbide) is also called carborundum. Most of the moissanite are artificially synthesized, while natural moissanite are ve...